Crypto currency
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Payeer ₽YooMoney ₽
Payeer $PayPal $
PayPal $PM $
YooMoney ₽TRON TRX
Ethereum ETHPrivate24 ₴
Payeer $YooMoney ₽
Tether TRC20 USDTPM $
WMZ $Tether TRC20 USDT
WMZ $Payeer $
WMZ $Private24 ₴
Tether TRC20 USDTYooMoney ₽
AdvCash $Monobank ₴
PayPal $Tether TRC20 USDT
Monobank ₴TRON TRX
Visa/MC $PM $
Visa/MC $Payeer $
Visa/MC $Tether TRC20 USDT
Visa/MC ₽PayPal $
Tether TRC20 USDTSepa €
Payeer $Visa/MC ₴
PayPal $Skrill $
PayPal $YooMoney ₽
YooMoney ₽Payeer $
Skrill $Tether TRC20 USDT
YooMoney ₽Payeer ₽
Double exchange
Cardano ADA
With the commission

Exchange Bitcoin BTC to Cardano ADA ADA

119 691 242 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
1 Bitcoin 179 162.52077209 Cardano ADA0/0
39 161 ADA
Country: Poland
Age: 2 years 11 months
Reserve: 3 214 106 $
1 Bitcoin 179 141.05588312 Cardano ADA0/0
4 143 062 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
1 Bitcoin 179 101.36472693 Cardano ADA0/0
Gee Exchange
928 129 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
1 Bitcoin 179 053.2944831 Cardano ADA1/0
15 056 ADA
Country: Georgia
Age: 1 year 6 months
Reserve: 2 373 722 $
1 Bitcoin 178 966.52878529 Cardano ADA0/0
395 221 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 7 months
Reserve: 76 259 564 $
1 Bitcoin 178 835.13592061 Cardano ADA1/0
15 366 279 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 9 months
Reserve: 109 447 165 $
1 Bitcoin 178 682.51702031 Cardano ADA0/1
639 224 ADA
Country: Spain
Age: 4 years 1 month
Reserve: 28 659 227 $
1 Bitcoin 178 543.93204551 Cardano ADA0/0
12 922 774 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 4 years 7 months
Reserve: 85 853 327 $
1 Bitcoin 178 531.02315387 Cardano ADA0/0
5 000 000 ADA
Country: Germany
Age: 5 years 11 months
Reserve: 96 545 687 $
1 Bitcoin 178 436.90647781 Cardano ADA0/0
306 080 ADA
Country: Poland
Age: 1 year 5 months
Reserve: 143 507 832 $
1 Bitcoin 178 373.59314517 Cardano ADA0/0
1 641 092 ADA
Country: Ukraine
Age: 8 years 9 months
Reserve: 11 341 086 $
1 Bitcoin 178 354.2039356 Cardano ADA3/32
16 918 882 ADA
Country: Cyprus
Age: 4 years 11 months
Reserve: 86 473 022 $
1 Bitcoin 178 299.95349893 Cardano ADA1/8
59 400 ADA
Country: Lithuania
Age: 5 years 10 months
Reserve: 105 123 116 $
1 Bitcoin 178 276.2579 Cardano ADA0/0
60 237 ADA
Country: Germany
Age: 1 year 9 months
Reserve: 2 506 433 $
1 Bitcoin 178 253.11942959 Cardano ADA0/0
17 876 236 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 76 167 862 $
1 Bitcoin 178 211.0557568 Cardano ADA0/0
2 193 924 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 8 years 8 months
Reserve: 30 618 696 $
1 Bitcoin 178 046.59498208 Cardano ADA0/0
1 807 859 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 8 months
Reserve: 409 183 199 $
1 Bitcoin 177 796.665383 Cardano ADA0/0
2 086 898 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 11 months
Reserve: 15 909 400 $
1 Bitcoin 177 777.77777778 Cardano ADA0/0
138 634 ADA
Country: Seychelles
Age: 6 years
Reserve: 29 285 672 $
1 Bitcoin 177 678.57142857 Cardano ADA0/0
7 211 ADA
Country: Ukraine
Age: 1 year 10 months
Reserve: 271 399 132 $
1 Bitcoin 177 665.94582083 Cardano ADA0/0
13 679 085 ADA
Country: Ukraine
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 72 695 598 $
1 Bitcoin 177 613.22729278 Cardano ADA0/0
1 676 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 8 months
Reserve: 2 077 163 $
1 Bitcoin 177 599.00517916 Cardano ADA0/20
195 428 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 1 month
Reserve: 593 748 234 $
1 Bitcoin 177 144.18449061 Cardano ADA0/0
703 298 ADA
Country: Ukraine
Age: 5 years
Reserve: 6 877 958 $
1 Bitcoin 176 806.49672038 Cardano ADA0/0
210 753 ADA
Country: Ukraine
Age: 1 year 1 month
Reserve: 7 892 354 $
1 Bitcoin 175 647.05004475 Cardano ADA0/0
11 102 ADA
Country: Estonia
Age: 12 years 6 months
Reserve: 322 352 $
1 Bitcoin 175 594.330262 Cardano ADA0/0
1 250 000 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 7 months
Reserve: 125 933 198 $
1 Bitcoin 175 431.89321736 Cardano ADA0/1
39 882 ADA
Country: Estonia
Age: 10 years 7 months
Reserve: 872 689 $
1 Bitcoin 175 313.059 Cardano ADA0/0
24 874 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 7 months
Reserve: 1 943 886 $
1 Bitcoin 174 512.26060497 Cardano ADA0/0
1 183 630 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 035 751 $
1 Bitcoin 174 471.41223429 Cardano ADA1/0
168 567 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 65 758 843 $
1 Bitcoin 173 752.77280859 Cardano ADA0/0
400 ADA
Country: Poland
Age: 2 years 9 months
Reserve: 58 352 515 977 $
1 Bitcoin 171 277.2947886 Cardano ADA0/0
21 345 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 7 months
Reserve: 7 365 577 $
1 Bitcoin 170 491.04433764 Cardano ADA0/0
54 014 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 3 years 3 months
Reserve: 1 967 725 $
1 Bitcoin 170 345.17676187 Cardano ADA0/0
978 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 2 414 494 $
1 Bitcoin 170 195.79496624 Cardano ADA0/0
119 033 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 6 months
Reserve: 2 946 016 $
1 Bitcoin 163 029.65623082 Cardano ADA1/0
8 365 120 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 3 years 7 months
Reserve: 203 137 931 $
1 Bitcoin 161 027.90696358 Cardano ADA0/0

Exchange Bitcoin BTC to Cardano ADA ADA

Exchange schemeCourseReserve
1 Bitcoin 359.02417707 Monero XMR 179 955.01388487 Cardano ADA 179955.013885631 487 214 ADA
46 671 XMR
Country: Ukraine
Age: 8 years 3 months
Reserve: 40 948 344 $
1 Bitcoin 359.02417707 Monero XMR 359.0241770746 671 XMR
1 487 214 ADA
Country: Seychelles
Age: 4 years 9 months
Reserve: 6 731 525 008 $
359.02417707 Monero XMR 179 955.01388487 Cardano ADA 501.233692261 487 214 ADA
1 Bitcoin 2 041.44574228 Zcash ZEC 179 467.91823986 Cardano ADA 179467.918239861 487 214 ADA
326 951 ZEC
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
1 Bitcoin 2 041.44574228 Zcash ZEC 2041.44574228326 951 ZEC
1 487 214 ADA
Country: Seychelles
Age: 4 years 9 months
Reserve: 6 731 525 008 $
2 041.44574228 Zcash ZEC 179 467.91823986 Cardano ADA 87.912166611 487 214 ADA
1 Bitcoin 2 507.1983439 Dash DSH 179 404.5667444 Cardano ADA 179404.566744429 301 ADA
1 854 853 DSH
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
1 Bitcoin 2 507.1983439 Dash DSH 2507.19834391 854 853 DSH
Gee Exchange
29 301 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
2 507.1983439 Dash DSH 179 404.5667444 Cardano ADA 71.5557934129 301 ADA
1 Bitcoin 24.80220243 Ethereum ETH 179 261.2348301 Cardano ADA 179261.2348704119 691 242 ADA
98 ETH
Country: Austria
Age: 3 years 8 months
Reserve: 1 231 655 $
1 Bitcoin 24.80220243 Ethereum ETH 24.8022024398 ETH
119 691 242 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
24.80220243 Ethereum ETH 179 261.2348301 Cardano ADA 7227.63372874119 691 242 ADA
1 Bitcoin 107 692.70726888 Ripple XRP 179 186.57653545 Cardano ADA 179186.57653546119 691 242 ADA
Gee Exchange
1 875 073 XRP
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
1 Bitcoin 107 692.70726888 Ripple XRP 107692.707268881 875 073 XRP
119 691 242 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
107 692.70726888 Ripple XRP 179 186.57653545 Cardano ADA 1.66386918119 691 242 ADA
1 Bitcoin 188.38363224 Bitcoin Cash BCH 179 179.95210859 Cardano ADA 179179.95211517119 691 242 ADA
Gee Exchange
705 BCH
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
1 Bitcoin 188.38363224 Bitcoin Cash BCH 188.38363224705 BCH
119 691 242 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
188.38363224 Bitcoin Cash BCH 179 179.95210859 Cardano ADA 951.14395013119 691 242 ADA
1 Bitcoin 195 706.74713711 0x ZRX 179 167.10923973 Cardano ADA 179167.10923974119 691 242 ADA
Gee Exchange
58 367 ZRX
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
1 Bitcoin 195 706.74713711 0x ZRX 195706.7471371158 367 ZRX
119 691 242 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
195 706.74713711 0x ZRX 179 167.10923973 Cardano ADA 0.91548764119 691 242 ADA
1 Bitcoin 0.999935 Bitcoin 179 150.87520823 Cardano ADA 179150.87596515119 691 242 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 33 341 644 $
1 Bitcoin 0.999935 Bitcoin 0.999935200
119 691 242 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
0.999935 Bitcoin 179 150.87520823 Cardano ADA 179162.52077209119 691 242 ADA
1 Bitcoin 597 872.22142384 Dogecoin XDG 179 146.37279498 Cardano ADA 179146.37279498119 691 242 ADA
25 115 225 XDG
Country: Seychelles
Age: 4 years 9 months
Reserve: 6 731 525 008 $
1 Bitcoin 597 872.22142384 Dogecoin XDG 597872.2214238425 115 225 XDG
119 691 242 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
597 872.22142384 Dogecoin XDG 179 146.37279498 Cardano ADA 0.2996399119 691 242 ADA
1 Bitcoin 63 265 Tether TRC20 USDT 179 144.33202794 Cardano ADA 179144.33202794928 129 ADA
7 894 090 USDT
Country: Austria
Age: 3 years 8 months
Reserve: 1 231 655 $
1 Bitcoin 63 265 Tether TRC20 USDT 632657 894 090 USDT
Gee Exchange
928 129 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
63 265 Tether TRC20 USDT 179 144.33202794 Cardano ADA 2.83164991928 129 ADA
1 Bitcoin 3 328.92076862 Ether Classic ETC 179 137.79160626 Cardano ADA 179137.79160644119 691 242 ADA
Gee Exchange
14 220 ETC
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
1 Bitcoin 3 328.92076862 Ether Classic ETC 3328.9207686214 220 ETC
119 691 242 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
3 328.92076862 Ether Classic ETC 179 137.79160626 Cardano ADA 53.81257292119 691 242 ADA
1 Bitcoin 450 477.56036069 ICON ICX 179 133.45177249 Cardano ADA 179133.45177249395 221 ADA
217 790 593 ICX
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
1 Bitcoin 450 477.56036069 ICON ICX 450477.56036069217 790 593 ICX
395 221 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 7 months
Reserve: 76 259 564 $
450 477.56036069 ICON ICX 179 133.45177249 Cardano ADA 0.39765233395 221 ADA
1 Bitcoin 968.40650627 Litecoin LTC 179 128.62426172 Cardano ADA 179128.62426333119 691 242 ADA
40 576 LTC
Country: Seychelles
Age: 4 years 9 months
Reserve: 6 731 525 008 $
1 Bitcoin 968.40650627 Litecoin LTC 968.4065062740 576 LTC
119 691 242 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
968.40650627 Litecoin LTC 179 128.62426172 Cardano ADA 184.97255347119 691 242 ADA
1 Bitcoin 656 908.34973856 Stellar XLM 179 118.77766475 Cardano ADA 179118.77766475119 691 242 ADA
13 216 XLM
Country: Poland
Age: 2 years 11 months
Reserve: 3 214 106 $
1 Bitcoin 656 908.34973856 Stellar XLM 656908.3497385613 216 XLM
119 691 242 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
656 908.34973856 Stellar XLM 179 118.77766475 Cardano ADA 0.27266935119 691 242 ADA
1 Bitcoin 416 198.64226629 TRON TRX 179 108.78331651 Cardano ADA 179108.78331651119 691 242 ADA
581 013 291 TRX
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
1 Bitcoin 416 198.64226629 TRON TRX 416198.64226629581 013 291 TRX
119 691 242 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
416 198.64226629 TRON TRX 179 108.78331651 Cardano ADA 0.43034446119 691 242 ADA
1 Bitcoin 63 244.99292511 Tether ERC20 USDT 179 087.67899598 Cardano ADA 179087.67899598928 129 ADA
15 150 894 USDT
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
1 Bitcoin 63 244.99292511 Tether ERC20 USDT 63244.9929251115 150 894 USDT
Gee Exchange
928 129 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
63 244.99292511 Tether ERC20 USDT 179 087.67899598 Cardano ADA 2.83164991928 129 ADA
1 Bitcoin 57 834.02859233 Waves WAV 179 080.85449285 Cardano ADA 179080.854492874 143 062 ADA
2 435 257 WAV
Country: Seychelles
Age: 4 years 9 months
Reserve: 6 731 525 008 $
1 Bitcoin 57 834.02859233 Waves WAV 57834.028592332 435 257 WAV
4 143 062 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
57 834.02859233 Waves WAV 179 080.85449285 Cardano ADA 3.09646174 143 062 ADA
1 Bitcoin 121 986.58379629 EOS EOS 179 042.13169136 Cardano ADA 179042.131691374 143 062 ADA
5 149 732 EOS
Country: Seychelles
Age: 4 years 9 months
Reserve: 6 731 525 008 $
1 Bitcoin 121 986.58379629 EOS EOS 121986.583796295 149 732 EOS
4 143 062 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
121 986.58379629 EOS EOS 179 042.13169136 Cardano ADA 1.467719864 143 062 ADA
1 Bitcoin 63 289.81082974 TrueUSD TUSD 179 035.37302431 Cardano ADA 179035.3730243358 379 ADA
Gee Exchange
21 288 TUSD
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
1 Bitcoin 63 289.81082974 TrueUSD TUSD 63289.8108297421 288 TUSD
Gee Exchange
58 379 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
63 289.81082974 TrueUSD TUSD 179 035.37302431 Cardano ADA 2.8288182658 379 ADA
1 Bitcoin 179 162.52077209 Cardano ADA 178 985.32903904 Cardano ADA 178985.329039041 807 859 ADA
119 691 242 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
1 Bitcoin 179 162.52077209 Cardano ADA 179162.52077209119 691 242 ADA
1 807 859 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 8 months
Reserve: 409 183 199 $
179 162.52077209 Cardano ADA 178 985.32903904 Cardano ADA 0.9990111 807 859 ADA
1 Bitcoin 63 232.17187417 Tether BEP20 USDT 178 951.14321631 Cardano ADA 178951.143216314 143 062 ADA
91 753 425 USDT
Country: Netherlands
Age: 5 years 1 month
Reserve: 811 176 408 $
1 Bitcoin 63 232.17187417 Tether BEP20 USDT 63232.1718741791 753 425 USDT
4 143 062 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
63 232.17187417 Tether BEP20 USDT 178 951.14321631 Cardano ADA 2.830064794 143 062 ADA
1 Bitcoin 199 551.42013253 OmiseGO OMG 178 897.92075899 Cardano ADA 178897.920758998 010 ADA
8 343 352 OMG
Country: Seychelles
Age: 4 years 9 months
Reserve: 6 731 525 008 $
1 Bitcoin 199 551.42013253 OmiseGO OMG 199551.420132538 343 352 OMG
Gee Exchange
8 010 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
199 551.42013253 OmiseGO OMG 178 897.92075899 Cardano ADA 0.896500368 010 ADA
1 Bitcoin 6 251.64444661 NEO 178 870.91366976 Cardano ADA 178870.91366976395 221 ADA
16 964
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 7 months
Reserve: 76 259 564 $
1 Bitcoin 6 251.64444661 NEO 6251.6444466116 964
395 221 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 7 months
Reserve: 76 259 564 $
6 251.64444661 NEO 178 870.91366976 Cardano ADA 28.61181809395 221 ADA
1 Bitcoin 69 909 176 340.52099609 BitTorrent BTT 178 558.39869952 Cardano ADA 178558.3986995250 304 ADA
Gee Exchange
18 016 721 555 BTT
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
1 Bitcoin 69 909 176 340.52099609 BitTorrent BTT 69909176340.5209960918 016 721 555 BTT
Gee Exchange
50 304 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 44 703 000 $
69 909 176 340.52099609 BitTorrent BTT 178 558.39869952 Cardano ADA 0.0000025550 304 ADA
1 Bitcoin 15 604 522.66891505 Verge XVG 178 171.95100877 Cardano ADA 178171.951008774 143 062 ADA
104 161 908 XVG
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
1 Bitcoin 15 604 522.66891505 Verge XVG 15604522.66891505104 161 908 XVG
4 143 062 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
15 604 522.66891505 Verge XVG 178 171.95100877 Cardano ADA 0.011417964 143 062 ADA
1 Bitcoin 3 436 783.53407979 NEM 177 852.2450609 Cardano ADA 177852.2450609639 224 ADA
144 244 586
Country: Seychelles
Age: 4 years 9 months
Reserve: 6 731 525 008 $
1 Bitcoin 3 436 783.53407979 NEM 3436783.53407979144 244 586
639 224 ADA
Country: Spain
Age: 4 years 1 month
Reserve: 28 659 227 $
3 436 783.53407979 NEM 177 852.2450609 Cardano ADA 0.05174962639 224 ADA
1 Bitcoin 1 292.79595823 Bitcoin SV BSV 177 559.64446412 Cardano ADA 177559.6444641215 366 279 ADA
251 122 BSV
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
1 Bitcoin 1 292.79595823 Bitcoin SV BSV 1292.79595823251 122 BSV
15 366 279 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 9 months
Reserve: 109 447 165 $
1 292.79595823 Bitcoin SV BSV 177 559.64446412 Cardano ADA 137.3454514115 366 279 ADA
1 Bitcoin 62 585.5896 Visa/MC $ 177 386.53431936 Cardano ADA 177386.53449228119 033 ADA
924 003 $
Country: Ukraine
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 6 877 556 $
1 Bitcoin 62 585.5896 Visa/MC $ 62585.5896924 003 $
119 033 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 6 months
Reserve: 2 946 016 $
62 585.5896 Visa/MC $ 177 386.53431936 Cardano ADA 2.83430315119 033 ADA
1 Bitcoin 55 994.2805 Visa/MC € 177 358.41942904 Cardano ADA 177358.4195935119 033 ADA
1 196 591 €
Country: Ukraine
Age: 3 years 6 months
Reserve: 34 020 319 $
1 Bitcoin 55 994.2805 Visa/MC € 55994.28051 196 591 €
119 033 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 6 months
Reserve: 2 946 016 $
55 994.2805 Visa/MC € 177 358.41942904 Cardano ADA 3.16743813119 033 ADA
1 Bitcoin 5 928 761.8609 RUB 177 202.25835855 Cardano ADA 177202.2583615459 400 ADA
100 000 000
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 7 months
Reserve: 125 933 198 $
1 Bitcoin 5 928 761.8609 RUB 5928761.8609100 000 000
59 400 ADA
Country: Lithuania
Age: 5 years 10 months
Reserve: 105 123 116 $
5 928 761.8609 RUB 177 202.25835855 Cardano ADA 0.0298885759 400 ADA
1 Bitcoin 63 075.596 AdvCash $ 176 234.77944513 Cardano ADA 176234.77944513100 000 ADA
2 525 $
Country: Pakistan
Age: 5 years 6 months
Reserve: 112 119 $
1 Bitcoin 63 075.596 AdvCash $ 63075.5962 525 $
100 000 ADA
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
63 075.596 AdvCash $ 176 234.77944513 Cardano ADA 2.79402479100 000 ADA
1 Bitcoin 63 402.1427 Payeer $ 175 410.42216984 Cardano ADA 175410.42216984100 000 ADA
6 646 $
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 1 month
Reserve: 593 748 234 $
1 Bitcoin 63 402.1427 Payeer $ 63402.14276 646 $
100 000 ADA
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
63 402.1427 Payeer $ 175 410.42216984 Cardano ADA 2.76663239100 000 ADA
1 Bitcoin 64 909.6824 PM $ 175 285.0262972 Cardano ADA 175285.02655866100 000 ADA
8 967 $
Country: Germany
Age: 6 years 2 months
Reserve: 20 836 897 $
1 Bitcoin 64 909.6824 PM $ 64909.68248 967 $
100 000 ADA
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
64 909.6824 PM $ 175 285.0262972 Cardano ADA 2.70044498100 000 ADA
1 Bitcoin 62 580.9393 USD Coin USDC 173 843.21579583 Cardano ADA 173843.2157958311 102 ADA
350 195 USDC
Country: Ukraine
Age: 11 years 1 month
Reserve: 14 672 093 $
1 Bitcoin 62 580.9393 USD Coin USDC 62580.9393350 195 USDC
11 102 ADA
Country: Estonia
Age: 12 years 6 months
Reserve: 322 352 $
62 580.9393 USD Coin USDC 173 843.21579583 Cardano ADA 2.77789411 102 ADA
1 Bitcoin 63 879.5609 USD 173 558.74517719 Cardano ADA 173558.745177195 053 191 ADA
100 000
Country: Ukraine
Age: 3 years 6 months
Reserve: 34 020 319 $
1 Bitcoin 63 879.5609 USD 63879.5609100 000
5 053 191 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 4 years 6 months
Reserve: 47 692 945 $
63 879.5609 USD 173 558.74517719 Cardano ADA 2.716968355 053 191 ADA
1 Bitcoin 56 048.3719 AdvCash € 172 214.1203273 Cardano ADA 172214.12057667100 000 ADA
95 460 €
Country: Germany
Age: 6 years 2 months
Reserve: 20 836 897 $
1 Bitcoin 56 048.3719 AdvCash € 56048.371995 460 €
100 000 ADA
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
56 048.3719 AdvCash € 172 214.1203273 Cardano ADA 3.07259808100 000 ADA
1 Bitcoin 72 077.59202641 Lisk LSK 172 012.51458183 Cardano ADA 172012.514581834 143 062 ADA
99 500 LSK
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
1 Bitcoin 72 077.59202641 Lisk LSK 72077.5920264199 500 LSK
4 143 062 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
72 077.59202641 Lisk LSK 172 012.51458183 Cardano ADA 2.386490864 143 062 ADA
1 Bitcoin 2 697.42958474 Bitcoin Gold BTG 171 911.38091346 Cardano ADA 171911.380914094 143 062 ADA
11 231 BTG
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 7 months
Reserve: 76 259 564 $
1 Bitcoin 2 697.42958474 Bitcoin Gold BTG 2697.4295847411 231 BTG
4 143 062 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
2 697.42958474 Bitcoin Gold BTG 171 911.38091346 Cardano ADA 63.731554624 143 062 ADA
1 Bitcoin 57 731.832 PM € 171 577.73460369 Cardano ADA 171577.73488931 807 859 ADA
46 677 €
Country: Germany
Age: 13 years 4 months
Reserve: 289 667 $
1 Bitcoin 57 731.832 PM € 57731.83246 677 €
1 807 859 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 8 months
Reserve: 409 183 199 $
57 731.832 PM € 171 577.73460369 Cardano ADA 2.9719781 807 859 ADA
1 Bitcoin 64 852.7691 PM Voucher $ 171 152.64979729 Cardano ADA 171152.64991217195 428 ADA
Mine Exchange
400 000 $
Country: Russia
Age: 8 years
Reserve: 11 940 128 $
1 Bitcoin 64 852.7691 PM Voucher $ 64852.7691400 000 $
195 428 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 1 month
Reserve: 593 748 234 $
64 852.7691 PM Voucher $ 171 152.64979729 Cardano ADA 2.63909548195 428 ADA
1 Bitcoin 207 469.079371 Augur REP 171 148.12945079 Cardano ADA 171148.129451114 143 062 ADA
115 063 REP
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
1 Bitcoin 207 469.079371 Augur REP 207469.079371115 063 REP
4 143 062 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 2 years 4 months
Reserve: 468 693 255 $
207 469.079371 Augur REP 171 148.12945079 Cardano ADA 0.824933184 143 062 ADA
1 Bitcoin 62 693.6353 Capitalist $ 170 711.28837479 Cardano ADA 170711.28837479272 529 ADA
105 000 $
Country: Georgia
Age: 5 years 5 months
Reserve: 43 353 678 $
1 Bitcoin 62 693.6353 Capitalist $ 62693.6353105 000 $
272 529 ADA
Country: Germany
Age: 6 years 2 months
Reserve: 20 836 897 $
62 693.6353 Capitalist $ 170 711.28837479 Cardano ADA 2.72294448272 529 ADA
1 Bitcoin 5 762 887.6529 Sberbank ₽ 170 397.80033765 Cardano ADA 170397.800340385 054 535 ADA
62 811 446 ₽
Country: Russia
Age: 11 months
Reserve: 271 637 856 $
1 Bitcoin 5 762 887.6529 Sberbank ₽ 5762887.652962 811 446 ₽
5 054 535 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 6 months
Reserve: 55 255 290 $
5 762 887.6529 Sberbank ₽ 170 397.80033765 Cardano ADA 0.029568125 054 535 ADA
1 Bitcoin 57 166.9435 Payeer € 170 151.67405518 Cardano ADA 170151.67431234100 000 ADA
300 €
Country: Germany
Age: 13 years 4 months
Reserve: 289 667 $
1 Bitcoin 57 166.9435 Payeer € 57166.9435300 €
100 000 ADA
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
57 166.9435 Payeer € 170 151.67405518 Cardano ADA 2.97639971100 000 ADA
1 Bitcoin 5 739 132.7648 Tinkoff ₽ 169 357.40002419 Cardano ADA 169357.40002627577 300 ADA
59 270 402 ₽
Country: Russia
Age: 11 months
Reserve: 271 637 856 $
1 Bitcoin 5 739 132.7648 Tinkoff ₽ 5739132.764859 270 402 ₽
577 300 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 11 months
Reserve: 271 637 856 $
5 739 132.7648 Tinkoff ₽ 169 357.40002419 Cardano ADA 0.02950923577 300 ADA
1 Bitcoin 5 753 245.5622 Visa/MC ₽ 169 320.17607713 Cardano ADA 169320.17607835 054 535 ADA
1 736 182 ₽
Country: Russia
Age: 14 years 8 months
Reserve: 1 200 833 $
1 Bitcoin 5 753 245.5622 Visa/MC ₽ 5753245.56221 736 182 ₽
5 054 535 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 6 months
Reserve: 55 255 290 $
5 753 245.5622 Visa/MC ₽ 169 320.17607713 Cardano ADA 0.029430375 054 535 ADA
1 Bitcoin 5 722 522.0603 Open Bank ₽ 168 918.22383135 Cardano ADA 168918.223831353 572 135 ADA
6 240 736 ₽
Country: Belarus
Age: 6 years 8 months
Reserve: 12 250 917 $
1 Bitcoin 5 722 522.0603 Open Bank ₽ 5722522.06036 240 736 ₽
3 572 135 ADA
Country: Netherlands
Age: 8 years 7 months
Reserve: 36 760 630 $
5 722 522.0603 Open Bank ₽ 168 918.22383135 Cardano ADA 0.029518143 572 135 ADA
1 Bitcoin 5 979 135.125 Payeer ₽ 168 568.79405131 Cardano ADA 168568.79405138195 428 ADA
30 226 892 ₽
Country: Germany
Age: 6 years 2 months
Reserve: 20 836 897 $
1 Bitcoin 5 979 135.125 Payeer ₽ 5979135.12530 226 892 ₽
195 428 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 1 month
Reserve: 593 748 234 $
5 979 135.125 Payeer ₽ 168 568.79405131 Cardano ADA 0.02819283195 428 ADA
1 Bitcoin 30 451 203.0088 Kaspi Bank ₸ 168 439.63541898 Cardano ADA 168439.635419131 183 630 ADA
129 267 536 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 7 years
Reserve: 11 405 483 $
1 Bitcoin 30 451 203.0088 Kaspi Bank ₸ 30451203.0088129 267 536 ₸
1 183 630 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 035 751 $
30 451 203.0088 Kaspi Bank ₸ 168 439.63541898 Cardano ADA 0.005531461 183 630 ADA
1 Bitcoin 5 722 542.0603 Alfa ₽ 168 416.55999759 Cardano ADA 168416.559997595 054 535 ADA
52 122 765 ₽
Country: Belarus
Age: 6 years 8 months
Reserve: 12 250 917 $
1 Bitcoin 5 722 542.0603 Alfa ₽ 5722542.060352 122 765 ₽
5 054 535 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 7 years 6 months
Reserve: 55 255 290 $
5 722 542.0603 Alfa ₽ 168 416.55999759 Cardano ADA 0.029430375 054 535 ADA

Exchange BTC Bitcoin to ADA Cardano ADA

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Exchange Bitcoin to Cardano ADA

The table above provides examples of currency exchange lists. For the correct calculation it is necessary to use a calculator. Each foreign exchange transactions it is necessary to make mistakes. CHEXCH.com – this is a service in which each exchanger is checked by experts, has genuine and original information, the data is updated constantly. The monitoring has reliable exchange offices, which can be safely used. They have their own reserve, high level of BL, TS and long experience.

Top exchangers

10 988 925 $
Country: Russia
Age: 16 years 6 months
Reserve: 10 988 925 $
11 262 660 $
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 9 months
Reserve: 11 262 660 $
5 494 669 $
Country: Russia
Age: 8 years 3 months
Reserve: 5 494 669 $
Mine Exchange
11 940 128 $
Country: Russia
Age: 8 years
Reserve: 11 940 128 $
4 573 027 $
Country: Germany
Age: 8 years 4 months
Reserve: 4 573 027 $
3 239 475 $
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 4 months
Reserve: 3 239 475 $
125 933 198 $
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 7 months
Reserve: 125 933 198 $
1 200 833 $
Country: Russia
Age: 14 years 8 months
Reserve: 1 200 833 $
8 061 738 $
Country: Ukraine
Age: 18 years 9 months
Reserve: 8 061 738 $
109 447 165 $
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 9 months
Reserve: 109 447 165 $

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Perfect MoneyPM17.49%
Advanced CashAdvCash3.19%

Top currencies

YooMoneyYooMoney ₽18.98%
Perfect MoneyPM $14.21%
Tether USDT TRC20Tether TRC20 USDT13.60%
PayeerPayeer ₽11.47%
PayPalPayPal $10.66%
WebMoneyWMZ $8.12%
PayeerPayeer $7.92%
Visa/MasterCardVisa/MC $4.37%
MonobankMonobank ₴4.06%