Crypto currency
Payeer ₽YooMoney ₽
Payeer $PayPal $
PayPal $PM $
YooMoney ₽TRON TRX
Ethereum ETHPrivate24 ₴
Payeer $YooMoney ₽
Tether TRC20 USDTPM $
WMZ $Tether TRC20 USDT
WMZ $Payeer $
WMZ $Private24 ₴
Tether TRC20 USDTYooMoney ₽
AdvCash $Monobank ₴
PayPal $Tether TRC20 USDT
Monobank ₴TRON TRX
Visa/MC $PM $
Visa/MC $Payeer $
Visa/MC $Tether TRC20 USDT
Visa/MC ₽PayPal $
Payeer $Visa/MC ₴
Tether TRC20 USDTSepa €
PayPal $Skrill $
YooMoney ₽Payeer $
PayPal $YooMoney ₽
Skrill $Tether TRC20 USDT
YooMoney ₽Payeer ₽
Double exchange
Kaspi Bank ₸
Halyk ₸
With the commission

Exchange Kaspi Bank KZT to HalykBank KZT


Exchange Kaspi Bank KZT to HalykBank KZT

Exchange schemeCourseReserve
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00199203 Tether TRC20 USDT 0.9671 Halyk ₸ 0.9671112 306 373 ₸
1 834 320 USDT
Country: Ukraine
Age: 4 years 7 months
Reserve: 1 949 687 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00199203 Tether TRC20 USDT 0.001992031 834 320 USDT
112 306 373 ₸
Country: Netherlands
Age: 6 years 10 months
Reserve: 889 323 $
0.00199203 Tether TRC20 USDT 0.9671 Halyk ₸ 485.5112 306 373 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00195829 Tether ERC20 USDT 0.9507 Halyk ₸ 0.9507112 306 373 ₸
Mine Exchange
5 766 321 USDT
Country: Russia
Age: 8 years
Reserve: 11 939 436 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00195829 Tether ERC20 USDT 0.001958295 766 321 USDT
112 306 373 ₸
Country: Netherlands
Age: 6 years 10 months
Reserve: 889 323 $
0.00195829 Tether ERC20 USDT 0.9507 Halyk ₸ 485.5112 306 373 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00335692 Ripple XRP 0.9394 Halyk ₸ 0.93942 566 986 ₸
719 418 XRP
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00335692 Ripple XRP 0.00335692719 418 XRP
2 566 986 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 174 563 $
0.00335692 Ripple XRP 0.9394 Halyk ₸ 279.86012 566 986 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.01289788 TRON TRX 0.9393 Halyk ₸ 0.9393122 000 000 ₸
2 764 126 TRX
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.01289788 TRON TRX 0.012897882 764 126 TRX
122 000 000 ₸
Country: Vietnam
Age: 7 years 1 month
Reserve: 7 496 161 $
0.01289788 TRON TRX 0.9393 Halyk ₸ 72.8312122 000 000 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.01860288 Dogecoin XDG 0.9385 Halyk ₸ 0.9385122 000 000 ₸
3 986 758 XDG
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.01860288 Dogecoin XDG 0.018602883 986 758 XDG
122 000 000 ₸
Country: Vietnam
Age: 7 years 1 month
Reserve: 7 496 161 $
0.01860288 Dogecoin XDG 0.9385 Halyk ₸ 50.4496122 000 000 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00007794 Dash DSH 0.9383 Halyk ₸ 0.938469 468 592 ₸
16 704 DSH
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00007794 Dash DSH 0.0000779416 704 DSH
69 468 592 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 6 877 556 $
0.00007794 Dash DSH 0.9383 Halyk ₸ 12039.470169 468 592 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00557511 Cardano ADA 0.9381 Halyk ₸ 0.938169 468 592 ₸
1 194 795 ADA
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00557511 Cardano ADA 0.005575111 194 795 ADA
69 468 592 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 6 877 556 $
0.00557511 Cardano ADA 0.9381 Halyk ₸ 168.269669 468 592 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00000584 Bitcoin Cash BCH 0.9377 Halyk ₸ 0.93792 566 986 ₸
1 251 BCH
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00000584 Bitcoin Cash BCH 0.000005841 251 BCH
2 566 986 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 174 563 $
0.00000584 Bitcoin Cash BCH 0.9377 Halyk ₸ 160575.77212 566 986 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00000003 Bitcoin 0.9078 Halyk ₸ 0.93782 566 986 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00000003 Bitcoin 0.000000036
2 566 986 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 174 563 $
0.00000003 Bitcoin 0.9078 Halyk ₸ 30261302.16042 566 986 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00002994 Litecoin LTC 0.9376 Halyk ₸ 0.937869 468 592 ₸
6 417 LTC
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00002994 Litecoin LTC 0.000029946 417 LTC
69 468 592 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 6 877 556 $
0.00002994 Litecoin LTC 0.9376 Halyk ₸ 31318.924269 468 592 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00001111 Monero XMR 0.9363 Halyk ₸ 0.9363845 735 751 ₸
2 381 XMR
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00001111 Monero XMR 0.000011112 381 XMR
845 735 751 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 3 years 6 months
Reserve: 34 020 319 $
0.00001111 Monero XMR 0.9363 Halyk ₸ 84275.5674845 735 751 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00006276 Zcash ZEC 0.9361 Halyk ₸ 0.936269 468 592 ₸
13 450 ZEC
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00006276 Zcash ZEC 0.0000627613 450 ZEC
69 468 592 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 6 877 556 $
0.00006276 Zcash ZEC 0.9361 Halyk ₸ 14916.284969 468 592 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00191828 Tether BEP20 USDT 0.9313 Halyk ₸ 0.9313112 306 373 ₸
100 000 USDT
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00191828 Tether BEP20 USDT 0.00191828100 000 USDT
112 306 373 ₸
Country: Netherlands
Age: 6 years 10 months
Reserve: 889 323 $
0.00191828 Tether BEP20 USDT 0.9313 Halyk ₸ 485.5112 306 373 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0019 PM $ 0.8958 Halyk ₸ 0.92934 862 ₸
2 767 $
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0019 PM $ 0.00192 767 $
4 862 ₸
Country: Kazakhstan
Age: 8 years 11 months
Reserve: 762 $
0.0019 PM $ 0.8958 Halyk ₸ 471.54 862 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00000075 Ethereum ETH 0.9202 Halyk ₸ 0.9234122 000 000 ₸
100 ETH
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00000075 Ethereum ETH 0.00000075100 ETH
122 000 000 ₸
Country: Vietnam
Age: 7 years 1 month
Reserve: 7 496 161 $
0.00000075 Ethereum ETH 0.9202 Halyk ₸ 1226950.17122 000 000 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.02007387 Stellar XLM 0.9234 Halyk ₸ 0.923469 468 592 ₸
100 000 XLM
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.02007387 Stellar XLM 0.02007387100 000 XLM
69 468 592 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 7 years 11 months
Reserve: 6 877 556 $
0.02007387 Stellar XLM 0.9234 Halyk ₸ 46.000269 468 592 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00010158 Ether Classic ETC 0.9229 Halyk ₸ 0.923122 000 000 ₸
500 ETC
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00010158 Ether Classic ETC 0.00010158500 ETC
122 000 000 ₸
Country: Vietnam
Age: 7 years 1 month
Reserve: 7 496 161 $
0.00010158 Ether Classic ETC 0.9229 Halyk ₸ 9085.927122 000 000 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00192365 USD Coin USDC 0.922 Halyk ₸ 0.9222 566 986 ₸
100 000 USDC
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00192365 USD Coin USDC 0.00192365100 000 USDC
2 566 986 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 174 563 $
0.00192365 USD Coin USDC 0.922 Halyk ₸ 479.32522 566 986 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0019 Payeer $ 0.8958 Halyk ₸ 0.924 862 ₸
96 $
Country: Kazakhstan
Age: 8 years 11 months
Reserve: 762 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0019 Payeer $ 0.001996 $
4 862 ₸
Country: Kazakhstan
Age: 8 years 11 months
Reserve: 762 $
0.0019 Payeer $ 0.8958 Halyk ₸ 471.54 862 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0019 AdvCash $ 0.8958 Halyk ₸ 0.924 862 ₸
0 $
Country: Kazakhstan
Age: 8 years 11 months
Reserve: 762 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0019 AdvCash $ 0.00190 $
4 862 ₸
Country: Kazakhstan
Age: 8 years 11 months
Reserve: 762 $
0.0019 AdvCash $ 0.8958 Halyk ₸ 471.54 862 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00372906 EOS EOS 0.9193 Halyk ₸ 0.9193845 735 751 ₸
100 000 EOS
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00372906 EOS EOS 0.00372906100 000 EOS
845 735 751 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 3 years 6 months
Reserve: 34 020 319 $
0.00372906 EOS EOS 0.9193 Halyk ₸ 246.5249845 735 751 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00586661 0x ZRX 0.9164 Halyk ₸ 0.9164845 735 751 ₸
100 000 ZRX
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00586661 0x ZRX 0.00586661100 000 ZRX
845 735 751 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 3 years 6 months
Reserve: 34 020 319 $
0.00586661 0x ZRX 0.9164 Halyk ₸ 156.2129845 735 751 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.01375591 ICON ICX 0.916 Halyk ₸ 0.916845 735 751 ₸
100 000 ICX
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.01375591 ICON ICX 0.01375591100 000 ICX
845 735 751 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 3 years 6 months
Reserve: 34 020 319 $
0.01375591 ICON ICX 0.916 Halyk ₸ 66.5943845 735 751 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00180183 Waves WAV 0.91 Halyk ₸ 0.91873 980 230 ₸
1 840 647 WAV
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 5 months
Reserve: 52 977 257 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00180183 Waves WAV 0.001801831 840 647 WAV
873 980 230 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 5 months
Reserve: 52 977 257 $
0.00180183 Waves WAV 0.91 Halyk ₸ 505.08873 980 230 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0017 PM € 0.8519 Halyk ₸ 0.8981100 000 000 ₸
60 €
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0017 PM € 0.001760 €
100 000 000 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
0.0017 PM € 0.8519 Halyk ₸ 501.1472100 000 000 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0016 AdvCash € 0.8332 Halyk ₸ 0.8794100 000 000 ₸
1 000 000 €
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0016 AdvCash € 0.00161 000 000 €
100 000 000 ₸
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
0.0016 AdvCash € 0.8332 Halyk ₸ 520.8100 000 000 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0017 Payeer € 0.8738 Halyk ₸ 0.876860 665 407 ₸
3 138 €
Country: Ukraine
Age: 9 years 3 months
Reserve: 7 538 020 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0017 Payeer € 0.00173 138 €
60 665 407 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 9 months
Reserve: 11 440 836 $
0.0017 Payeer € 0.8738 Halyk ₸ 514.014160 665 407 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1742 AdvCash ₽ 0.8729 Halyk ₸ 0.87294 862 ₸
481 ₽
Country: Kazakhstan
Age: 8 years 11 months
Reserve: 762 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1742 AdvCash ₽ 0.1742481 ₽
4 862 ₸
Country: Kazakhstan
Age: 8 years 11 months
Reserve: 762 $
0.1742 AdvCash ₽ 0.8729 Halyk ₸ 5.0114 862 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1742 Payeer ₽ 0.8729 Halyk ₸ 0.87294 862 ₸
17 624 ₽
Country: Kazakhstan
Age: 8 years 11 months
Reserve: 762 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1742 Payeer ₽ 0.174217 624 ₽
4 862 ₸
Country: Kazakhstan
Age: 8 years 11 months
Reserve: 762 $
0.1742 Payeer ₽ 0.8729 Halyk ₸ 5.0114 862 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 24.8321 UZCARD UZS 0.8674 Halyk ₸ 0.8674172 251 148 ₸
4 493 370 475 UZS
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 24.8321 UZCARD UZS 24.83214 493 370 475 UZS
172 251 148 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
24.8321 UZCARD UZS 0.8674 Halyk ₸ 0.0349172 251 148 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1741 Sberbank ₽ 0.8609 Halyk ₸ 0.8613100 000 000 ₸
93 986 910 ₽
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1741 Sberbank ₽ 0.174193 986 910 ₽
100 000 000 ₸
Country: Turkey
Age: 1 year 7 months
Reserve: 88 152 340 $
0.1741 Sberbank ₽ 0.8609 Halyk ₸ 4.945100 000 000 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 2 035.97604805 BitTorrent BTT 0.8368 Halyk ₸ 0.836876 871 146 ₸
684 191 573 BTT
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 5 months
Reserve: 52 977 257 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 2 035.97604805 BitTorrent BTT 2035.97604805684 191 573 BTT
76 871 146 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 1 month
Reserve: 593 748 359 $
2 035.97604805 BitTorrent BTT 0.8368 Halyk ₸ 0.000476 871 146 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1741 Tinkoff ₽ 0.8358 Halyk ₸ 0.8363100 000 000 ₸
93 986 910 ₽
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1741 Tinkoff ₽ 0.174193 986 910 ₽
100 000 000 ₸
Country: Turkey
Age: 1 year 7 months
Reserve: 88 152 340 $
0.1741 Tinkoff ₽ 0.8358 Halyk ₸ 4.801100 000 000 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1741 Visa/MC ₽ 0.8314 Halyk ₸ 0.83186 617 310 ₸
93 986 910 ₽
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1741 Visa/MC ₽ 0.174193 986 910 ₽
6 617 310 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 6 months
Reserve: 23 595 253 $
0.1741 Visa/MC ₽ 0.8314 Halyk ₸ 4.77556 617 310 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1741 Mir Card ₽ 0.8313 Halyk ₸ 0.83176 617 310 ₸
93 986 910 ₽
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1741 Mir Card ₽ 0.174193 986 910 ₽
6 617 310 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 6 months
Reserve: 23 595 253 $
0.1741 Mir Card ₽ 0.8313 Halyk ₸ 4.77496 617 310 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1735 Alfa ₽ 0.7988 Halyk ₸ 0.7989100 000 000 ₸
32 982 649 ₽
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1735 Alfa ₽ 0.173532 982 649 ₽
100 000 000 ₸
Country: Turkey
Age: 1 year 7 months
Reserve: 88 152 340 $
0.1735 Alfa ₽ 0.7988 Halyk ₸ 4.6041100 000 000 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1741 Rus.St. ₽ 0.7886 Halyk ₸ 0.789176 871 146 ₸
93 986 910 ₽
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1741 Rus.St. ₽ 0.174193 986 910 ₽
76 871 146 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 1 month
Reserve: 593 748 359 $
0.1741 Rus.St. ₽ 0.7886 Halyk ₸ 4.5376 871 146 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1741 Promsvyaz ₽ 0.7886 Halyk ₸ 0.789176 871 146 ₸
93 986 910 ₽
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 2 months
Reserve: 12 022 101 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.1741 Promsvyaz ₽ 0.174193 986 910 ₽
76 871 146 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 1 year 1 month
Reserve: 593 748 359 $
0.1741 Promsvyaz ₽ 0.7886 Halyk ₸ 4.5376 871 146 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0017 PayPal $ 0.6561 Halyk ₸ 0.6577643 931 ₸
9 179 929 $
Country: Russia
Age: 16 years 6 months
Reserve: 10 988 925 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0017 PayPal $ 0.00179 179 929 $
643 931 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 16 years 6 months
Reserve: 10 988 925 $
0.0017 PayPal $ 0.6561 Halyk ₸ 385.9974643 931 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0015 PayPal € 0.6464 Halyk ₸ 0.6576643 931 ₸
21 618 €
Country: Russia
Age: 16 years 6 months
Reserve: 10 988 925 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0015 PayPal € 0.001521 618 €
643 931 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 16 years 6 months
Reserve: 10 988 925 $
0.0015 PayPal € 0.6464 Halyk ₸ 430.9848643 931 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00976371 IOTA IOT 0.6187 Halyk ₸ 0.6187873 980 230 ₸
14 253 563 IOT
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 5 months
Reserve: 52 977 257 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.00976371 IOTA IOT 0.0097637114 253 563 IOT
873 980 230 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 5 months
Reserve: 52 977 257 $
0.00976371 IOTA IOT 0.6187 Halyk ₸ 63.37873 980 230 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0019 Skrill $ 0.5794 Halyk ₸ 0.5892643 931 ₸
16 647 $
Country: Russia
Age: 16 years 6 months
Reserve: 10 988 925 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0019 Skrill $ 0.001916 647 $
643 931 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 16 years 6 months
Reserve: 10 988 925 $
0.0019 Skrill $ 0.5794 Halyk ₸ 304.9856643 931 ₸
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0015 Skrill € 0.5107 Halyk ₸ 0.5196643 931 ₸
14 654 €
Country: Russia
Age: 16 years 6 months
Reserve: 10 988 925 $
1 Kaspi Bank ₸ 0.0015 Skrill € 0.001514 654 €
643 931 ₸
Country: Russia
Age: 16 years 6 months
Reserve: 10 988 925 $
0.0015 Skrill € 0.5107 Halyk ₸ 340.5312643 931 ₸

Exchange KSPBKZT Kaspi Bank to HLKBKZT HalykBank

On the service you can get acquainted with the procedure of exchange and currency operations, which are an exchange Kaspi Bank to HalykBank at an attractive rate. The entire algorithm of the procedure specified by the online service has been rigorously tested. When exchanging currency, you should pay attention to the currency reserve. If you are visiting the site for the first time, watch the video to learn the benefits of our service and better understand the subject.

Exchange Kaspi Bank to HalykBank

The table above provides examples of currency exchange lists. For the correct calculation it is necessary to use a calculator. Each foreign exchange transactions it is necessary to make mistakes. CHEXCH.com – this is a service in which each exchanger is checked by experts, has genuine and original information, the data is updated constantly. The monitoring has reliable exchange offices, which can be safely used. They have their own reserve, high level of BL, TS and long experience.

Top exchangers

10 988 925 $
Country: Russia
Age: 16 years 6 months
Reserve: 10 988 925 $
11 440 836 $
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 9 months
Reserve: 11 440 836 $
5 494 929 $
Country: Russia
Age: 8 years 3 months
Reserve: 5 494 929 $
Mine Exchange
11 939 436 $
Country: Russia
Age: 8 years
Reserve: 11 939 436 $
4 573 047 $
Country: Germany
Age: 8 years 4 months
Reserve: 4 573 047 $
3 239 475 $
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 4 months
Reserve: 3 239 475 $
125 933 198 $
Country: Russia
Age: 6 years 7 months
Reserve: 125 933 198 $
1 200 690 $
Country: Russia
Age: 14 years 8 months
Reserve: 1 200 690 $
8 061 738 $
Country: Ukraine
Age: 18 years 9 months
Reserve: 8 061 738 $
109 435 801 $
Country: Russia
Age: 5 years 9 months
Reserve: 109 435 801 $

Top payment systems

Payment systemPopularity
Perfect MoneyPM17.49%
Advanced CashAdvCash3.19%

Top currencies

YooMoneyYooMoney ₽19.02%
Perfect MoneyPM $14.24%
Tether USDT TRC20Tether TRC20 USDT13.53%
PayeerPayeer ₽11.50%
PayPalPayPal $10.68%
WebMoneyWMZ $8.14%
PayeerPayeer $7.93%
Visa/MasterCardVisa/MC $4.37%
MonobankMonobank ₴4.07%