F.A.Q. Questions and answers
Your opinion is very important to us and we will try to help you solve your problem.
For what need Chexch.com?
Chexch is a service through which You will be able to quickly find exchangers with more favourable course in Your direction of the exchange.
Can you trust the exchangers that you offer?
Of course, Yes. Before connecting the exchanger to our monitoring, we check it. If you still have any difficulties, if your chosen exchanger does not fulfill its obligations to you, be sure to let us know, and we will help you as soon as possible to solve the problem.
How to use this service?
Chexch - very simple, convenient and fast service:
- You take in the columns on the right what you give and what you want to get.
- On the right you will see a list of offers for your exchange direction. Exchangers are arranged in order from the most favorable rate to the less favorable rate. Above the listing You can find the exchange calculator. In it, You can enter the amount I/o, and our calculator will calculate the amount of output / input. Each line on the right shows the available reserves.
- Choose a suitable offer for you, after making sure that the selected You exchanger has a sufficient reserve currency for the exchange.
- Next, click on the line of the selected exchanger, and its website will open in a new window.
- Follow the instructions of the exchange office to make the exchange operation.
Reserve - what is it?
A reserve is the amount of a currency that the exchanger has to perform exchange operations. Remember: the exchanger will not be able to give you a larger amount than the one specified in the reserve.
After selecting the exchanger and going to its website, I did not find there my exchange direction.
This happens when the operation in this direction of exchange exchanger conducts manually through the administrator. Therefore, we recommend that you contact The exchange office. If this exchanger really does not exchange in the directions in which it is listed in our monitoring, please let us know!
Why can the rates provided by monitoring differ from those offered by the exchanger?
All courses that we offer require that we exchange. On our part, the data is updated in real time. Therefore, we can assume that the data inconsistency is caused by the late transfer of data by the exchange office to us. The same may apply to reserves. However, we ask You to report such incidents to us.
WebMoney BL - what is it?
This is the business level that characterizes the reputation of the exchanger WebMoney. If You see next to BL a dash, it means that the exchanger does not have a WebMoney account (WMID) and it does not work with WebMoney.
Perfect Money TS (Trust Score) - what is it?
This is the business level that characterizes the reputation of the exchanger at Perfect Money. If you see a dash next to TS, it means that this exchanger does not have an account in the Perfect Money system and there is no way to determine its TS.
What should I do if the recipient's details are incorrect?
You need to urgently contact the support of the exchange office, whose services you used to have time to cancel the transfer.
Sent money to one of the exchangers, the specified period for the exchange operation has already expired, and the exchange has not yet been made. What to do?
Like any other organizations, all exchangers have problems with the timeliness of performance of their obligations. Therefore, if you have any such problems, we ask You:
- Wait a little. This happens if the exchange is made outside of working hours.
- Contact the support service of the exchanger whose services you have used.
- If All of the above did not help, please report the problem to us.
Check the exchanger on the Internet for bad reviews.
The reviews on the website of the exchange not always reliable. First, exchange a small amount. If the exchange was normal, then divide the remaining amount into 3-4 equal parts and exchange parts. But remember that there were times when small payments were, and large-disappeared into nowhere. If there is no information about reserves at all - be careful with this exchanger. The website's domain. Free domains (eg. .ga) or the hosting side of the bypass. Check the age of the domain: the older-the better. If the service conducts operations in the Webmoney, he on the website must include information on the certificate of WM. And remember:
- Administration Chexch is not responsible for exchange made from our partners.
- Be as vigilant as possible, do not be negligent to the choice of the exchanger.
- If some exchanger does not fulfill its obligations to you, please contact us.